Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

After cycling on Boxing Day, exercise has come to a bit of a stand still! We have come away for a few days to Parkgate on the Wirral so spent most of Monday on the ferry and then in the car. Tuesday was spent playing tenpin bowling in the morning and then we went on a family shopping expedition for the rest of the day. Now, I am told that to complete the Parish Walk, it requires stamina but a large element is mental toughness – two qualities that are needed in abundance when shopping with Sally.

Yesterday morning, I got up and shook off my hangover by going for a five mile run around Parkgate. The terrain here is pretty flat but I found it quite hard going having over eaten, consumed far too much alcohol and not done any serious exercise for the last few days. I am going to have to put some training in to shake off the cobwebs before the Ramsey fireman’s run on the 7 January.

I was due to marshal on the Millennium Way relay last Sunday but unfortunately it was shortened due to the bad weather on the Mountain and so I was not required. I still planned to go out and watch the race but I didn’t get to bed till about 3am the night before so, instead I watched the excellent coverage on Murrays YouTube video from the comfort of my arm chair. I had toyed with the idea of running in the event but having seen the video of the start of the race up the hill out of Crosby in the cold and wet conditions (everyone seemed to be really enjoying themselves!), I was rather glad I wasn’t running.

Now, coming back to stamina, I am considering entering the Manx Mountain Marathon. I think some off road running in preparation and then the race itself would be excellent stamina training in preparation for the Parish Walk. I might give it little bit more thought before I commit to that one.

I think this will be my last entry for this year but looking forward to finishing the Parish Walk next Year! Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, to you and the family, Dave.

    Great series of blogs.

    Michael G
